The treatment for the film has been completed, and I've started writing the script, but when I say began, I mean I wrote like the first minute.
Rough cut of scenes one and two has been completed. Two songs written so far - "Sounds good to me", and "Throw it away" (thanks to Jimmy for that title/idea)
Holy cow lots more done since last update, almost finished with script. I plan to finish it up in about two weeks, so around May 13th it should be completely finished. Most of the roles have been filled, although I still need 3 girls to play lead roles. If you're interested, like to act and sing, and willing to dedicate some time to the project, please email me. Peace out.
The whole idea for this next film is to create a "feel-good" movie, something entertaining and fun to watch. However, I want the humor to be very well-invented, and not so much an hour or so of crude or tasteless comedy. Don't get me wrong, it works and I'm a fan of it myself, but it will certainly pull away quality from the kind of film I'm trying to make. So if there's any, it will be in small doses. Jimmy really came up with the basic concept and I developed it into that treatment I spoke of. Basically, it's going to be a fueding love story twisted with music and laughs. I'm hoping this will come out as a film the whole family can enjoy, or most of them. Flirting With Disaster wasn't too bad, but still kind of "risky", and Dead Winter, well...don't show that one to mom and dad...yet. My parents seemed to like it, but of course they would. I guess there's just something about graphic violence that shakes what is to be considered easily viewable. Huh, who knew? Anyway, I will continue to write the script, enlisting help from Jimmy and anyone else who I feel can contribute. I'm also drawing from life experiences to work into the script as I try to do will all of my films. I think it is going to be a lot of fun and I can't wait to start. I can only envision what the end product will look like, but I've got to tell you it looks good.