Welcome to the official "J" Films website.
This site is maintained and operated by myself, Jason Sheedy. I write, direct, "act", produce, edit, and overall make my own independent films.
Dead Winter (2004)
Flirting With Disaster (2004)
Yeah, those are the only two that are actually feature-length type films. I have created several short films, but as you can plainly see, they are not listed. Why I even decided to list a filmography with only two films is beyond my knowledge.
Production of the latest "J" Film is scheduled to begin this summer. It will be a romantic/comedy musical. Myself and Jimmy to the V have tossed our ideas on the table and I'm currently writing the script. The style will remain as a "J" Film, and hopefully be something very original and not cliche in any sense. That's the hope for any film really, and I'll just have to see how it plays out.
Interested in playing a role? Drop me an email.
We will be needing a lead girl, someone who enjoys singing and dancing and someone who can put up with getting gallons of fake blood poured on them...nah just kidding. In this film it will be gallons of happiness. Since I already have been given a few names/suggestions, auditions seem likely.
Other recent news: Dead Winter was accepted as another "success", although not necessarily as popular as Flirting With Disaster, mainly due to its darker tone. It was definitely more professional and the visual/make-up effects were in my view wonderfully achieved. I am very happy with how it turned out, but alas, to anyone who wants to see more zombies, there will be no more...for now. It's time for "J" Films to do something for the whole family, or at least most of the family...
I am sending a copy to one of the geniuses of visual/make-up effects artistry, Mr. Tom Savini. I will share his comments if and when he responds back.
Other than that...Have a sweet day. |